02:25:21duration 2 hours 25 minutes
One Hundred and Sixty-First Annual Spring…
One Hundred and Sixty-First Annual Spring Commencement Exercises - St. Mary's University - May 11, 2013.mov
From Katherine Lehman-Meyer
01:58:48duration 1 hour 58 minutes
Seventy-Ninth Commencement Exercises, St.…
Seventy-Ninth Commencement Exercises, St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas - May 18, 2013.mov
20:18duration 20 minutes 18 seconds
Memories of Class of 2013 - St. Mary's…
Memories of Class of 2013 - St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas.mov
10:45duration 10 minutes 45 seconds
Memories of Class of 2013 - St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas.mov