Elena Montiel • 2024 McNair Summer Research Symposium • July 8, 2024
From Loretta Sanchez
From Loretta Sanchez
Elena Montiel
Class of 2025
Major: Sociology
Mentor: Brittany Chozinski, PhD
Our Lady of the Lake University
How LGBTQ+-friendly are the IPV resources recommended by the city of
San Antonio?
After noticing the lack of information on domestic violence within the LGBTQ+ community, I
wanted to turn to a local community, the city of San Antonio, and their recommended resources.
With the lack of domestic violence resources that specialize in the LGBTQ+ community, it is
important to recognize how experiences may differ whether or not a person identifies as a part of
the LGBTQ+ community. Based in San Antonio, Texas, I conducted a content analysis on the
friendliness of each website towards the LGBTQ+ community, using the websites linked to the
Metropolitan Health District Domestic Violence page on the City of San Antonio website. Using
both qualitative and quantitative methods, five themes emerged: community, safety, simplicity,
inclusiveness, and education. Given these themes, I analyzed each organization's website for its
explicit acknowledgment and consideration of a person who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+
community and their well-being. Looking at each website at the surface level, I wanted to
simulate a person in dire need who may be needing help quickly while also ensuring the safety of
their identity. Each organization had its own unique approach to supporting survivors, some
catering more to marginalized groups than others. Considering the lack of representation of the
LGBTQ+ community within these resources, it is important to acknowledge how easy it is for
them to get overlooked.
Keywords: LGBTQ+, Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Same-Sex Couples,
San Antonio