Joshua Riojas • 2024 McNair Summer Research Symposium • July 8, 2024
From Loretta Sanchez
From Loretta Sanchez
Joshua Riojas
Class of 2026
Major: Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Ben Abbot, PhD
St. Mary’s University
Comprehensive Signal Strength Mapping for Indoor Object Localization
Congested environments resulting in numerous reflections from one or more radio frequency
(RF) sources exacerbate the accuracy of Time Space Positioning Information (TSPI). The St.
Mary’s Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Lab, being a highly reflective building (almost entirely
metal), renders the use of GPS signals for indoor localization impractical. Consequently, this has
led to exploring the utilization of RF reflections to determine an object’s position. Recently,
Kimberly Tse, a graduate student from St. Mary’s University, designed a Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN)-based TSPI localization model, achieving a 94% accuracy with synthetic data
simulated via MATLAB and validated by real-world signal strengths gathered across a small
area of the UAS Lab [1]. This paper presents a different approach to gathering signal strengths
across the UAS Lab to provide comprehensive data for enhancing the machine learning model’s
localization accuracy. We utilized a calibrated in- frared camera system with real-time TSPI to
gather accurate positioning truth data and employed robotic cars to cover a specified area,
thereby laying the groundwork for future analysis and model training with submillimeter
Keywords: Radio frequency, Signal strengths, Indoor localization, Highly reflective
environments, Synthetic data