Search for tag: "classroom discussions"

Al Kauffman / April 15, 2019

St. Mary's University School of Law Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Spring 2019 Dean Stephen Sheppard

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 14 plays

Ana Lisa Garza--March 9, 2019

St. Mary's University School of Law Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Spring 2019 Dean Stephen Sheppard

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 11 plays

Harold McCall--February 25, 2019

St. Mary's University School of Law Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Spring 2019 Dean Stephen Sheppard

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 12 plays

The Right Honorable HENRY McLEISH-February 18, 2019

St. Mary's University School of Law Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Spring 2019 Dean Stephen Sheppard

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 4 plays

AJ Bellido de Luna--February 11, 2019

St. Mary's University School of Law Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Spring 2019 Dean Stephen Sheppard

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 7 plays

Edwin Vince Matthews III-- November 7, 2018

Edwin Vince Matthews III-- November 7, 2018

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 10 plays

Richard Haynes-September 26, 2018

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professinalissm in the Practice of LawSeptember 26, 2018

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 3 plays

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018-- Cynthia Hollingsworth

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018 April 11, 2018 Guest Speaker Cynthia Hollingsworth Hosted by Dean Stephen Sheppard Dean, St. Mary's…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 9 plays

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018--Mark Rosenfeld

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Spring 2018 March 7, 2018 Guest Speaker Mark Rosenfeld Hosted by Dean Stephen Sheppard Dean, St. Mary's University…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 7 plays

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018 -- Jack Lubben

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018 January 24, 2018 Guest Speaker Jack Lubben Hosted by Dean Stephen Sheppard Dean, St. Mary's University…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 2 plays

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018 --Patrick Sanders

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law / Spring 2018 February 14, 2018 Guest Speaker Patrick Sanders Hosted by Dean Stephen Sheppard Dean, St. Mary's…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 6 plays

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Fall 2016

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Fall 2016 with Guest Speaker Dan Wheelus Hosted by Dean Stephen Sheppard Dean, St. Mary's University School of Law …

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 15 plays

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law--Stephen Sheppard, J.S.D.

Lawyer Formation: Leadership and Professionalism in the Practice of Law Fall 2016 with Guest Speaker Stephen Sheppard, J.S.D. Hosted by Dean Stephen Sheppard Dean, St. Mary's University…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 10 plays

Classroom discussions with Thomas Keyser - October 21, 2015

Classroom discussions with THOMAS KEYSER, (J.D., '74) Law Office of Thomas G. Keyser Welcome and Introduction by CHARLES E. CANTÚ, (J.D. 64) Dean Emeritus, St. Mary's University…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 6 plays

Classroom discussions with Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht - March 2, 2016

Classroom discussions with CHIEF JUSTICE NATHAN L. HECHT Supreme Court of Texas Welcome and Introduction by STEPHEN M. SHEPPARD, J.S.D. Dean, St. Mary's University School of Law March 2, 2016…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 18 plays

Classroom discussions with JUDGE POLLY JACKSON SPENCER, (J.D., '76) - October 7, 2015

Classroom discussions with JUDGE POLLY JACKSON SPENCER, (J.D., '76) Bexar County Probate Court Welcome and Introduction by STEPHEN M. SHEPPARD, J.S.D. Dean, St. Mary's University School…

From  Loretta Sanchez 0 likes 140 plays